# Description
Participants conduct research on a contemporary biotechnology issue of their choosing, document their research, and create a display. The information gathered may be student-performed research or a re-creation or simulation of research performed by the scientific community. If appropriate, a model or prototype depicting some aspect of the issue may be included in the display. Semifinalist teams are interviewed about their topic.
# Theme
2024-2025 Biotechnology that supports sustainable cosmetics packaging to reduce waste to landfills.
Careers Associated
Chemical Engineer
Food Scientist
Molecular Biologist
Plant Geneticist
# Oklahoma Eligibility
Entries are limited to one team of at least 3 individuals per chapter.
# Coordinators
The individuals listed below are familiar with the event and available to give guidance. Please email them if you have questions regarding this event.
Leah Stone
Event Coordinator
Alan Bell
Event Manager