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When your chapter affiliates with National TSA, you are automatically affiliated with Oklahoma TSA.  Affiliation restarts at the beginning of each school year.  Affiliation and membership allow you access to the National Competitive Events Guide, State Competitive Events Guide, and other resources.


Only affiliated chapter members are eligible to attend Fall Leadership Conference and State Leadership Conference.


Oklahoma TSA recommends using Blue CAP membership for all chapters in the state.  Blue CAP membership allows a chapter to affiliate an unlimited number of members in a school for a flat fee.  The membership fee for Blue CAP is $400 at the National level plus a $10 advisor fee and $90 for state dues.


Please make PO out to:

Technology Student Association

1904 Association Drive

Reston, VA  20191-1540




If you have any questions, please contact Tami Redus, TSA State Advisor at

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