# Description
Participants design and build a mechanical device to solve the problem statement for the identified theme. Through device functionality, presentation, and documentation, the team members demonstrate their knowledge of mechanical engineering and the application of their research as a design element or inspiration for their mechanical device, while observing the annual theme. Teams demonstrate and promote their work in a timed presentation.
# Theme
Problem Statement: A vehicle must go forward at least ten (10) feet, then reverse to a full stop at seven (7) feet from the original starting line.Â
The floor surface for the 2025 National TSA Conference will be convention center concrete. The floor surfaces for state conferences may vary.
Careers associated
Mechanical Engineer
Multimedia Designer
Product Designer
Small Business Owner
# Oklahoma Eligibility
Two (2) teams of two to three (2-3) members per chapter
# State Competition Information
Mousetrap cars will be run on a low-pile carpeted surface.
# Coordinators
The individuals listed below are familiar with the event and available to give guidance. Please email them if you have questions regarding this event.
Nikki Lujan
Event Coordinator
Stephen O'Neal
Event Manager