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Music Production HS

Music Production HS

# Description

Participants produce an original musical piece that is designed to be played during the national TSA conference closing general session. The musical piece should be energizing, interesting, and of a spirit consistent with the Technology Student Association.

# Theme

Create a musical piece that will be used as the background music for a role-playing game (RPG) video game. It will be played during the parts of the game when the player’s character is visiting the blacksmith.

# Careers Associated

  • Artist

  • Audio Designer or Engineer

  • Audio Operator or Technician

  • Broadcast Technician

  • Music Composer

# Oklahoma Eligibility

Entries are limited to four (4) teams per chapter; individual entries are permitted.

# State Competition Information​

The documentation portfolio and musical piece must be finished, submitted, and accessible via the internet by March 14, 2025.

Upload documentation portfolio and musical piece here


Students will need their participant ID number and password from their advisor. Only the team captain will be able to upload the file.


# Coordinators

The individual listed below is familiar with this event and available to give guidance. Please email them if you have questions regarding this event.


Sharon Manley

Event Coordinator

David Isenbart

Event Manager

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