# Description
Participants design and build a contraption that accomplishes a simple task using multiple steps and all six simple machines to transfer energy and motion.
For examples, go to the official Rube Goldberg website: http://www.rubegoldberg.com.
# Theme
There is no theme for this event. The final solution is open-ended to maximize creativity.
Careers Associated
Systems Analyst
# Oklahoma Eligibility
Entries are limited to one (1) team of a minimum of three individuals. Each team must have at least three (3) members and no more than 12 members. Only six (6) members may be in the building area at any one time.
# Guidelines
Click here for the guidelines for this event.
# State Competition Info
A document portfolio must be prepared before the conference and submitted at check-in.
Build time will be four hours. Final judging will begin at 1:00
Groups must bring and wear safety glasses
​Each team must bring their own power strips and extension cords
Teams must bring their materials
Teams must clean their area before final judging.
# Coordinators
Codee Becknel
Event Coordinator
Valerie McCauley
Event Manager