Officer Duties and Symbols
President - Gavel
The duties vested in me by my office is to preside at regular and special meetings of this organization and to promote the cooperation in carrying out the activities and work of our organization.
Vice President - Star
It is the duty of my office to see that we always have a strong membership, a good work program, and are alert to the welfare of our chapter.
Secretary - Pen
It is my responsibility to see that accurate and proper records are kept of all business and correspondence of this association.
Treasurer - Balanced Budget
It is the duty of my office to keep accurate records of all funds and to see that our financial obligations are met promptly.
Reporter - Beacon Tower
It is the duty of my office to see that our school, community, state, and national association have a complete report of our organization's activities.
Sergeant-at-Arms - Hearty Handshake
It is the responsibility of my office to see that the assembly is comfortable and properly welcomed. It is also my duty to serve as doorkeeper for this organization.

Parliamentary Procedures
The Function of the Gavel is to aid in conducting an orderly meeting.
One Tap- A main motion has been passed or rejected.
OR Members sit down
OR The meeting is adjourned
Two Taps- Calls the meeting to order
Three Taps- All members stand during the opening and closing ceremonies
Parliamentary Procedure - Use During a Meeting
Main motion- Present business for action
Postpone indefinitely- Kill the motion
Lay on the table- Set matter aside for an emergency reason
Amend- Change or modify
Commit or refer to a committee- Let a few members attend to the matter
Previous question- Stop a debate and amendments and order an immediate vote
Suspend the rules- Do something contrary to the rules
Withdraw a motion- Prevent a motion from being voted on
Objection to consideration- Determine whether a question is in accord with bylaws
Adjourn- Dismiss members from meeting
Fix the time to which to adjourn- Set a time for next meeting
Reconsider- Provide an opportunity to vote a second time on a matter
Parliamentary inquiry- Ask question relating to parliamentary procedure
Point of order- Call attention to procedural error
Appeal- Allow a member to question the decision of the chair
Take from the table- Take up an item that was laid on the table
Limit debate- Establish length of time for discussion
Postpone definitely- Defer a matter to a specified time
Rescind- Cancel action taken by chapter
Division of the assembly- Question the chair's decision on a voice vote