Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Who can I contact with questions?
For general questions about the conference:
Tami Redus, State Advisor
For competition questions:
Please email the event coordinator or event manager listed on the competitive event information pages
Q: What does the registration fee cover?
In order to provide a well-organized and comprehensive conference, we must charge a registration fee. Hosting an in-person conference costs OKTSA about $100,000 to put on. Conference costs include, but are not limited to, meeting spaces, A/V, conference management system, event supplies, awards, merchandise, judges gifts, conference staff lodging, and food and beverage for conference staff and volunteer judges. If you have any ideas on how to offset the cost of the State Leadership Conference, please contact
Q: When trying to register, it says “Membership Unsubmitted” next to my student’s names. How do I fix this?
Students must be affiliated in order to attend State Leadership Conference. Only affiliated members populate the registration system. You must log on to the TSA Membership System, check the boxes next to your students’ names, and click Submit.
Q: Where can I find the Statement of Assurance?
A: The statement of assurance and all forms related can be found under the "Advisor Tab" on the OKTSA website.
Q: How many TSA members make up a team?
A: Each event has different requirements. Please read the official guidelines for team number requirements and visit the specific page for the competitive event you are competing in for Oklahoma modifications if applicable. The maximum number of participants on a team is six (6) if not specified.
Q: Where can I find the eligibility for each event?
The Competitive Event Information page has an eligibility chart that explains how many entries per chapter are allowed to compete at the State Conference for each competitive event. To find how many members are allowed per team, please refer to each competitive event guideline's eligibility section in the National TSA Competitive Events Guide.
Q: Where can I find the competitive event guidelines and rubrics?
The National TSA Competitive Events Guide is located in the TSA Membership System. Follow this path: > Join/Login > Total TSA > Competitions.
Q: Where can I find the required forms for competitive events?
A: All forms are located in the TSA Membership System. Follow this path: > Join/Login > Total TSA > Competition Forms and Resources.
Q: What conference city and state do we use for the cover page in the portfolio?
For the Oklahoma State Leadership Conference, use Norman, OK and April 17-19, 2024
Q: I would like to be more involved with State Leadership Conference. What can I do to help?
If you are interested in assisting with State Leadership Conference, please contact Tami Redus at