# Description
Participants complete an examination covering essential IT skills and knowledge needed to execute tasks commonly performed by all levels of IT professionals alike. Areas include but are not limited to: using features and functions of common operating systems and establishing network connectivity, identifying common software applications and their purpose, and using security and web browsing best practices.
Careers Associated
Information Support & Services
Network Systems
Programming & Software Development
Web & Digital Communication
Help Desk
Computer Software Engineer
# Oklahoma Eligibility
Entries are limited to two (2) individuals per chapter.
# State Conference Information
Individuals will take an online exam covering essential IT skills and knowledge from March 1 - 23, 2024 to determine the top ten finalists. Testing information has been sent directly to your school testing liaison if you set one up in previous years. If you have not sent that information or need to change who your liaison is, please send an email to tami.redus@careertech.ok.gov, with the subject line: TSA Testing Liaison.
# Coordinators
The individuals listed below are familiar with the event and available to give guidance. Please email them if you have questions regarding this event.
Susan James
Event Manager