Welcome to the OKTSA monthly newsletter! The state and regional officer teams have been hard at work so you can enjoy the TSA season. Be sure to read the upcoming important dates at the end.
April News
Bylaw Amendments on State Website
For the first time in years, Oklahoma TSA has proposed amendments to our bylaws! Voting delegates will be able to give input during the voting process at the State conference. No matter your voting delegate status, we ask that you familiarize yourself with the proposals and discuss with your chapter on what would best benefit our delegation. Find the statements here!
TechTapes: Voting Etiquette Released!
We're excited to announce the release of our new video on voting etiquette, designed to help you vote like a pro! Whether you're a voting delegate or simply interested in improving your voting skills, this video is for you. Check it out below. We hope you make informed choices for state and national officer candidates.
SENIORS: New Event at State!
To celebrate the achievements of our seniors at SLC, we will host a Senior Recognition Night! Take the night to meet with fellow seniors, enjoy desserts, and cheer each other on for the bright future ahead. Fill out this form by April 15th to be on the slideshow!
ACS Glow Night Information!
ACS Glow Night will take place on the night before awards ceremony. There will be music, activities, food, and glow sticks. Be sure to bring money for snacks and glow sticks. All funds will go to our National Service Project: the American Cancer Society! Be sure to wear your State Conference T-shirt, given at SLC registration, to truly glow in the dark this year! More information on the Glow Night this year will be posted in a separate blog post. We hope to see you all and your support for the American Cancer Society!
Candidate Bios Released
We're thrilled to announce that the State Officer Candidate Bios have been released on our website. We encourage you to take a moment to review each candidate's profile, gaining insight into their vision, experience, and aspirations for our organization. These bios serve as a valuable resource for understanding the individuals running to lead us into the next term. We urge all voting delegates to thoughtfully assess each candidate's qualifications and commitment to serving our community. Check it out here!
Get Recognized
Member Monday gives recognition to one of our OKTSA members every other week. Submit a TSA member you know that should be recognized for their service and character!
Check out our previous Member Mondays:
National Technical Honor Society
The NTHS is now a proud partner of OKTSA. Applications to the NTHS have opened. Check out our post about it!
Riddle Me This...
Trivia: Which TV show used the song "Who Are You" by The Who as its main theme?
True or False?: Someone who studies seashells is called a conchologist.
Riddle Me This: Who can read a book without finishing a sentence?
Scroll to the end to find out!
Monthly Recap
State Leadership Conference Preparation
Your TSA State officers have been preparing for the best State Conference to come! Our social media committee is excited to begin the countdown on our Instagram and a giveaway of TSA merchandise, so be on the lookout for that! Between practicing for the business meeting and determining the Top 12 for Pin Design and T-Shirt design, they are patiently counting down the days to see you all again!
New TechTapes Episode To Come
The OKTSA Video Committee is creating the last video for the TechTapes series on navigating the state and national websites. Scripting concluded in February, and one video was recorded during the monthly meeting. Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you never miss a post!
Eastern Region
In the month of march, a new eastern region officer team was introduced following the regional conference. Throughout this month we have looked over what will make this year the best it can be. We also looked ahead as the state and national conference approach. Through this next month of April we will prepare meetings to discuss the upcoming year.
Western Region
During the month of March, the Western Region officer team has been attempting to communicate with the State officer team as well as TSA alumni in order to build a foundation for a mentorship program for the region. While further operations are currently on hold as we prepare for the State conference, we hope to work with the soon-to-be-elected officer team to improve our region as soon as possible. Good luck with your State competitions!
Trivia Answers
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
T/F: True
Riddle: A prisoner